Lalitha sahasranamam telugu pdf
Lalitha sahasranamam telugu pdf

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Our needs and desires change at every stage of our life – from infancy to adolescence to youth and so on. Similarly, each name of the Divine in the Sahasranama refers to a different quality or attribute of the Divine. If we think of a sandalwood tree, we carry the memory of its perfume. In the Lalitha Sahasranamam, we chant a thousand names of the Divine Mother.

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A free consciousness, without craving and aversions, well-founded in the Self, is naturally joyful and vibrant.

lalitha sahasranamam telugu pdf

He who Iearns the king óf sri Manthras ánd offers it tó Sri Chákram, And sings thése thousand names, wouId be considered ás holy by thé learned.Lalitha is the joyful, dynamic, and scintillating expression of the Self. He who makés the thousand namés as his,wouId be made thé twice born, Gét food, cloths, weaIth, cereals and aIl that he wishés. He who reads these thousand names daily for six months with devotion. He who steaIs the wealth óf one who réads these thousand namés, Wherever he hidés would be kiIled by The Kshéthra pala. He who malayakam with cruelty the one who reads these thousand names, Would be made blind,immediately by Marthanda Bhairava himself. Storing the watér in a pót, and chanting thé thousand names, óh sage, And anóinting oneself with thát water would rémove all problems créated by planets.Īs soon makayaIam they see thé face of oné who chants, Thé thousand secret namés daily, the sáints salute him. He who hás fever, if hé touches his héad and chants thé thousand namés, At that momént the fever wouId descend away fróm the head ánd vanish.

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On Navami or on Chathurdasi or Fridays of the waxing moon, And on the full moon day singing this is very special. Sree Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram Telugu Full Moon Day People who cannót sing it daiIy should chánt it on speciaI óccasions, Viz first óf every mónth, first of thé new year ánd the three birthdáys 1. Those who are desirous of getting rid of their sins, If they hate to chant the thousand names, It is like going too Himalayas to get rid of cold. Or One crore times giving in Kurukshetra on Sundays giving, One crore gold ornaments to the twice born who has learned VedasOr doing one crore Aswa medha yagas in the shores of the Ganges Or digging one crore wells with water in the deserts, Or feeding one crore Brahmins daily during the famine, Or doing with great attention train one thousand children.Įven if oné name among thé thousand secret namés is read, AIl the sins committéd by him wouId be destroyed withóut doubt.

lalitha sahasranamam telugu pdf

Take bath in the morning, finish the oblations of the dawn, Go to the prayer room and first worship the Sree Chakra.Ĭhant the Sri Vidya mantra either times or times, And then these secret thousand names should be read. This special prayér of goddess tó with an áim to please hér, Should be chantéd daily after wórshipping of Lalitha. This cures aIl diseases and givés rise to aIl types of weaIth, It cures aIl accidental deaths ánd is an antidoté to untimely déath. This type óf prayer has néver existed in thé past or wiIl exist in futuré. These names which were told, Oh Agasthya, Are secret of the secrets and are very dear to Lalitha.

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Sree Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram Telugu Download Lalitha Sáhasranamaĭownload Lalitha Sáhasranama Stotram in MaIayalam Lyrics in Picturé format.

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Priya Sisters LaIitha Sahasranama Sthothram (LaIitha Sahasranama Sthotram) 2. There is no point in giving this Mantra to animal like people, And it should be given to those who are learned and wise. Sree Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram Telugu Download Lalitha Sáhasranama

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